Hát kérem, eljött ez is. Elég fura érzés, hogy egy eddig egy szőnyeg alá söpört játékról egyszerre ennyi infó áll rendelkezésre, csak kapkodom a fejem...
Kiderült, hogy nerfelték a clawpombot (ráfért), kisebb boostokat kaptak a Tier 3 csapatok, etc., és egyáltalán, televan a Facebook aktivitással. Fumbblin is meglepően könnyű meccset fogni :D
Na mindegy, igazából amiért írok: nem láttam még hivatalos YouTube videót arról, hogy hogy kell kifesteni pl. Blood Bowl figurákat. Ímhol már ilyen is van!
Örülünk, Vincent?
Sajnos a CLAWPOMB-ot mégse nerfelik :(, csak a Pilin Onról van szó, hogy opcionális skillként lesz felvehető. De gondolom mindenki használja majd.
VálaszTörlésPO rerollba fog kerulni a kepek alapjan, nem lesz ingyen, mint eddig. Claw modositok elott jatszik csak elvileg, MB-val mar nem. A twitteres kiszovargott kepeken ezt lattam legalabbis :)
TörlésIgen, de a talkfantasyra valaki beírt cáfolatot. (Nyugodtan töröld a hsz-emet ha túl hosszú lett a kopipaszta miatt. :) ) De amúgy fun olvasmány:
VálaszTörlésAndy Hoare wrote:
Hi all
I just wanted to address the issue of rules changes in Death Zone Season 1, so we can let you guys know what happened, what’s happening, and then crack on with enjoying Blood Bowl (although Jonathan Taylor-Yorke insists the game is not supposed to be fun and that I’m doing it all wrong!).
Back when we began the Blood Bowl 2016 project at the start of the year we received numerous messages from players, almost all of them asking us to consider changes to Claw, Piling On and Mighty Blow. Though we were reticent to make any changes to the CRP we thought it sensible to try some alternatives, which our playtest group trialed for several months. At the end of that period however, and in consultation with our contacts in the community, we reached the conclusion these rules shouldn’t be changed, and instead addressed it by making Piling On an optional rule.
However, it’s transpired that the dreaded Version Control Goblins have been at our files and the playtest versions of several skill descriptions have got out into the wild and made it into print.
So what do we do? Well, the first thing was not to make any knee-jerk reactions, but to listen to what you guys were actually saying about the rules as published. There’s been a lot of perfectly justifiable objection, but in amongst it all has been some very interesting and useful feedback, for which we sincerely thank those that gave it. Having given the matter a lot of thought and having spoken to some very experienced Blood Bowl players, we’ve decided that the best thing to do is errata the skills in question so they reflect what we meant them to say all along. This does mean that a couple of skills will be wrong in the first print run of the book and so we’ll release an errata download when the game is released and ensure that future iterations use the correct wording.
Hopefully now we can all enjoy some competitive violence, and I hope to see some of you guys at Warhammer World this weekend!
Hümm, PO-val kapcs igazad volt!
You can use a team re-roll to re-roll the Armour roll or Injury roll; if the blocking player has the Loner skill, they must roll as normal to see whether they can use the re-roll.”
Hja, viszont most néztem hogy Wizard sincs már. Lehet mondjuk valamelyik kiegészítőben lesz majd... Így viszont korrekten nerfeltek mindent :D